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Partnering with teachers and parents to nurture resilient, thriving children

It's Easier To Build Strong Children Than To Repair Broken Adults

What's important to us

Ascending Young Lives 

Positive Anger Coaching will skyrocket young people's confidence, grow their resilience, and develop assertive behaviour

Cultivating Thriving Teachers

Because when a teacher is thriving, they’re teaching better – and that means they're lighting up the lives of young people

Promoting Positive Parenting

Other than peers, and teachers, parents are the primary source and epicentre of a young person’s development 

We're dedicated to building a world where all children can thrive, aligned with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child's principles of relaxation, play, freedom of expression, and safety. We aim to improve the lives of young people affected by anger, enhance teacher well-being, promote positive parenting, and foster thriving communities.


For all young people to manage their anger, build resilience, and communicate assertively so that they can flourish and thrive now and in their future. For mental wellbeing professionals to implement our evidence-based anger management initiative, CHAMP within all UK schools.


Anger can be beneficial – when explored, utilised, and expressed in the right way. We help transform anger into a mindful function and develop assertive behaviour in individuals so that they can flourish and thrive within their community.


Why We're Here

Partnering with teachers and parents to build a world where all children are resilient, thriving, and flourishing

In an increasingly challenging educational landscape, we understand the difficulties faced by headteachers dealing with stressed staff and disruptive classrooms. Ascend Together CIC, formerly known as Tristone Coaching, offers a comprehensive solution to support teachers and parents in creating a conducive environment for all children to thrive. We propose a partnership that will not only improve the lives of young people impacted by anger but also enhance teacher well-being, promote positive parenting, and foster thriving communities.


Our Mission:

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child emphasises the importance of children's rights to relaxation, play, freedom of expression, and safety. Children exposed to unhealthy anger are at risk of becoming aggressive adults. Ascend Together CIC is dedicated to building a world where all children are resilient, thriving, and flourishing, in alignment with these fundamental principles.


Our Objectives:

Under the Articles of Association, Ascend Together CIC aims to:

  1. Improve the lives of young people affected by anger.

  2. Enhance teacher well-being nationwide.

  3. Promote positive parenting.

  4. Provide mental fitness coaching for young people in the community.

  5. Develop the capacity and skills of teachers within their school communities and promote Positive Education.

  6. Provide educational and well-being services to school communities.

  7. Deliver anger-informed coaching workshops for teachers.

  8. Promote the social and economic inclusion of young people into the wider community.

  9. Foster the emotional well-being of the school community.

  10. Advocate for entrepreneurship within the community.

  11. Provide an entrepreneurship training program for young people.

  12. Promote assertive communication and social responsibility.


Our Approach:

We propose implementing an evidence-based anger management program that will effectively address and alleviate anger-related issues in young people nationwide. To achieve this, we aim to train Positive Anger Coaches to deliver the CHAMP initiative within their respective communities. Our holistic approach focuses on promoting positive behavioral and emotional changes in individuals, strengthening relationships, and creating an environment for potential, prosperity, and flourishing communities.


Our Commitment:

Our partnership aims to create a win-win situation, benefitting not only the well-being of teachers and students but also enhancing the overall school environment. Together, we can build a brighter future for young people by providing the tools and support necessary to transform anger into positive action and resilience.


Our Proposal:

We invite you to join hands with Ascend Together CIC in our mission to build resilient, thriving, and flourishing communities through improved teacher well-being, positive parenting, and an evidence-based anger management program. Together, we can create a brighter future for both educators and students, ensuring a conducive learning environment that nurtures the potential and prosperity of our young minds. Let us embark on this transformative journey towards building a better world for our children and the generations to come.

How We've Changed Lives

‘It has helped me realise what I do when I am angry and how to control it.’

R. Jacobs - Senior Behavioural Lead - Activate Positive Anger Workshop

Meet the Team

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